Physical Distancing, Social Uprising
Season 1: Episode 1It’s a beautiful grassroots movement to transition our energy economy into a local, resilient, clean, and reliable system that provides the greatest possible benefit to people and planet. Welcome to the world of Rise Up!
About This Epis0de
In this episode we’ll introduce ourselves, preview coming episodes, and interview the MREA’s Executive Director, Nick Hylla. In response to wide ranging questions from the MREA staff and Board of Directors, he’ll address the current economic crisis, the threats and opportunities facing the clean energy industry, the need for local and state leadership, and the Rise Up Midwest! Call to Action. Our takeway: The energy efficiency and clean energy industry is ready to put the good people of the Midwest to work building the local energy economy of the future. We need our help. RISE UP MIDWEST!
For more information on how your organization can sponsor a future Rise Up Podcast episode, view the Rise Up supporter page, or contact Gina.
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration

Address: 7558 Deer Rd. Custer, WI 54423
Email: info@riseupmidwest.org
Phone: (715)-592-6595
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) is a nonprofit organization with the mission to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration.