"Pay As You Save"
Season 2 • Episode 7
What role does inclusive financing play in ensuring the transition to clean energy is accessible to all? We sat down with Holmes Hummel and Anthony Kinslow II from Clean Energy Works to find out.
Holmes founded Clean Energy Works to accelerate investments in the clean energy economy with inclusive financing. As a champion for the Pay As You Save® (PAYS) system, Homes led Clean Energy Works to win the FiRe Award for high-impact innovation at the Bloomberg New Energy Finance “Future of Energy Summit.” Holmes also serves on the board of Cornerstone Capital as well as Cleantech Open. Previously, Holmes served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Department of Energy’s Office of Policy & International Affairs from 2009-2013. In addition to prior work with energy innovators in the Silicon Valley, Holmes earned a doctorate degree from Stanford University for interdisciplinary research on energy technology scenarios that achieve 100% clean energy for all.
Anthony leads the engagement efforts for realizing Inclusive Financing within California. Anthony is the founder of Gemini Energy Solutions, Executive Director of the Racial Equity in Energy Project and is an adjunct lecturer at Stanford University where he co-teaches the course Racial Equity in Energy. Anthony’s background as an implementer gives him a unique perspective in the policy space. In addition to being an HBCU alum (North Carolina A&T), Anthony earned a doctorate degree from Stanford University by incorporating Bayesian statistics in building science analysis to improve the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency programs.
Nick Hylla, MREA Executive Director
Amanda Schienebeck, MREA Program Manager
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Clean Energy Works
Clean Energy Works accelerates investments in cost-effective distributed energy solutions to open the clean energy economy to all.
Learn More About Pay as You Save
“Oftentimes great policy gets derailed in the deployment process.
I like to describe it as a film of racism that coats everything, that if we don’t design for that, and we don’t design for the inherent biases that people have in America, that when we try to deploy it, we’ll still have inequity.
Even though something like Pay As You Save® allows access for everyone, that doesn’t mean everyone has access to it.”
-Dr. Anthony Kinslow II
Inclusive Financing News
Biden’s Solar Ambitions Hinges On More Inclusive Policy • Nov. 2nd, 2021 • Forbes
In Missouri, Your Utility Might Pay For Your Next Big Energy Efficiency Project • Oct. 18th, 2021 • Energy News Network
Modeling Inclusive Utility Investments in On-Site Solar • Aug. 9th, 2021 • Clean Energy Works
Study Finds an Energy Efficiency Funding Coverage Gap Exists in Michigan • Feb. 27th, 2020 • Urban Energy Justice Lab
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Clean Energy Works Email List:
• cleanenergyworks.org/connect
• @HolmesHummel
• @Deuce_Kinslow
“Utility commissioners have the authority right now to move forward.
There’s no utility commission in the United States that cannot actually initiate [Pay as You Save®]. And I think it’s important for us to encourage communities to be in open dialogue with those public officials…
Most utility commissions just haven’t heard enough from their community members about what they want to be able to adapt that as part of their next cycle of decisions.”
-Dr. Holmes Hummel
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The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) is a nonprofit organization with the mission to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration.