Jun 22, 2020 | Take Action
The State of Wisconsin Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change is working to develop a plan and identify items to be implemented to meet the state’s goal of 100% carbon-free energy by 2050 and they are currently seeking public input. Learn more about the...
Jun 19, 2020 | Podcast, Season 1
GET UP AND TRY Season 1: Episode 3 How does a small kid from a small town make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of many people? If you ask Tia Nelson, she’ll tell you that it is by using our power to get up every day and try. In this episode, we interview...
Jun 5, 2020 | Rise Up News
Friends of the MREA, Our moment has a clear calling: Social and Economic Justice. Of all the challenges that our country faces, this one may be the most difficult. When nationwide observances and protests are effective in focusing the public’s attention and...
Jun 3, 2020 | Rise Up News
Last month, Forbes published an article arguing that what the post-pandemic world needs is a solar energy revolution. The article details what many of us in the clean industry already know: solar energy is cheap, solar investments result in above average returns, and...
May 29, 2020 | Podcast, Season 1
TurmOIL Season 1: Episode 2 The nation’s self-proclaimed industry of independence has never been more dependent. How can we regain control and stability in our energy markets? Generate locally. Hosts: Nick Hylla, MREA Executive Director Jordan Pupols, MREA Events...